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Κιφας, Heskîf or Hesenkêf, Hesna/Hesno, Hsenkep or Hesno d-kepo, ܚܨܢ ܟܐܦܐ Ḥéṣn Kayfa

Hasankeyf is an ancient city located in southeastern Turkey, situated on the banks of the Tigris River. The city boasts a long history dating back to the Neolithic period. It served as a significant cultural center during various epochs, including Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman times. Hasankeyf was renowned for its historical structures, including fortresses, mosques, bridges, and cave dwellings carved into the steep cliffs along the Tigris River.

Unfortunately, Hasankeyf faced significant threats in recent years due to the construction of the Ilisu Dam. The dam project posed a severe risk of flooding much of the city and its historical sites. This sparked intense debates surrounding the preservation of Hasankeyf's cultural heritage and the environmental and societal impacts of dam construction. Despite international protests and efforts by historians and activists, the dam was ultimately completed, resulting in much of Hasankeyf now lying submerged beneath the waters of the Tigris.

The pictures show Hasankeyf before the flooding and the buildings of the new town, which were still under construction at the time, on a hill to the east of the old town. The apartments were available to the local residents at very reasonable prices. Some of the people forced to move were very happy to be able to live in new apartments. 

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