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ارگ بم

Lieutenant Drogo's first assignment lands him in a remote medieval castle, nestled on the edge of the empire, peering out into the vast emptiness of the Tartar desert. Despite the absence of any visible threat, the garrison diligently performs their military duties within the castle walls. Yet, the desolation of their surroundings weighs heavily upon them, gradually chipping away at their mental and physical well-being.

Isolation breeds tension among the officers, who engage in constant squabbles, while the soldiers, feeling the strain, begin to show signs of rebellion. The breaking point arrives when a comrade is accused of desertion and met with a fatal consequence, sparking a mutiny within the ranks. Amidst the chaos, the commanding officer, driven to despair, ventures alone into the unforgiving desert and takes his own life.

As the situation deteriorates further, Drogo himself succumbs to illness, becoming a mere shadow of his former self. Eventually, he is ushered into a carriage, destined to return to civilization, only to meet his demise on the journey, a casualty of the unforgiving frontier he once called home.

The Desert of the Tartars by Valerio Zurlini was shot in Bam in 1976. 

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